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Salam Budaya!
Berani bersumpah apa aja, awalnya itu paling benci difoto tapi gimana lagi. Beberapa orang terus mengingatkan aku untuk selalu update penampilan karena penting untuk profil dan meyakinkan orang mengingat pekerjaanku itu masih saja berkaitan dengan penampilan dan To Make Sure That I Am Sure (Nah Lho!).
Swear to any kind of human in this planet, actually i hate to be photographed. But hey! What else can I do. Some people keep reminding me to always update the appearance because it is important for the profile and convincing people that my job still relates to the appearance and To Make Sure That I Am Sure (Well Well!).
Ini Photo Session yang ketiga, dan menurut sang fotografer. Saya sudah luwes! (Hih! I hate that terms!).
This is my third Photo Session, and according to the Photoman. I am already cool and flexible in front of camera.
By the way. Udahlah saya nurut saja setelah menerangkan beberapa konsep yang saya inginkan untuk Lebaran 2008 ini. Saya, mas Fotografer - Frans (kalau Anda berada di Jember dan tertarik menggunakan jasanya silakan hubungi HP beliau di 0852 5810 3887), beserta asistennya segera berangkat ke padang golf, Glantangan begitu tahu kalau saya menginginkan foto di atas rumput untuk ucapan lebaran.
By the way. I gave up. After explaining some of the concepts that I want for Eid 2008. I, mas Photographer - named Frans (if you are in Jember and interested in using his services please contact him on 0852 5810 HP 3887), and his assistant immediately rushed to the golf course, Glantangan when they knew I want a photo laying on the grass for Eid greeting.
The result?

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